Georgetown 2030 Plan

Frequently Asked Questions

Which neighborhoods?


The area historically known as the Track, Ridge and Grasshopper neighborhoods, referred to by some residents as the TRG, roughly covers the area from what is now Scenic Drive and Blue Hole Park down to Leander Road, and from Bridge Street over to Martin Luther King Jr. and Timber streets and Austin Ave south of 18th St.

San Jose

The San Jose Neighborhood roughly covers the area from San Jose Park to 22nd Street and from Maple Street to Pine Street.

What is a small area plan?

A small area plan contains specific strategies to preserve or improve a particular area or neighborhood of a city. The planning process provides a way for the City and its citizens to improve their communities and ensure a better future. Small area plans act as guides for decision-making.

Why should I be involved?

Citizen participation is critical to the development of the plan since citizens know their neighborhoods’ strengths and weaknesses. Community involvement assures that the plan is responsive to resident needs and provides appropriate solutions to neighborhood problems. A small area plan enables residents to help plan for the future of their community and includes strategic actions to protect and improve their neighborhood.

How long will this process last?

The development of the (TRG/San Jose) Small Area Plan began in May 2021 and will take approximately nine (9) months to complete.

What topics will this plan address?

The plan may address topics such as land use, zoning, transportation, economic development, housing, how the neighborhood looks, and how services are delivered. The range of items covered in the plan depends directly on issues that are identified by the community.

Why are we conducting the plan? Why Now?

Over the past few years, the City of Georgetown has conducted several assessments and studies in the (TRG/San Jose) neighborhood. The most recent, the 2020 Neighborhood Initial Survey, laid the groundwork to understand residents’ issues and ideas. In October 2020, the City issued a Request for Proposals from qualified firms from across the nations and selected APD Urban Planning and Management in early 2021. The project officially kicked off with a tour of the neighborhoods and meetings with the Steering Committees in May 2021.

How can I get involved?

To get involved, please contact any member of the Steering Committee or your City Planning representative for more information, including event dates and times. For the next several months, you will see advertisements for public meetings and are encouraged to attend.

Who can I contact to give suggestions and/or ask questions?

Please send any questions or comments to To talk to city staff, please call Cesar at (512) 930-6652.

What is the role of the Steering Committee?

The Steering Committee acts as the ambassador for the project.

They work to ensure the community’s interest is prioritized, assist in spreading the word about the project to their neighbors and verify outreach methods, assess and provide feedback on all aspects of the plan as it is being developed, identify opportunities for potential private sector involvement, and establish a framework for the project’s political support. Specific duties of the Steering Committee are:

  • Attend meetings with consultants
  • Review policies
  • Makes plan recommendations to the City Council
  • Serves as plan ambassadors and provides communication to neighborhood
  • Meet at least once a month (at least 6 times for project milestones)

Who has the final say when the neighborhood plan is ready?

The City Council of Georgetown will have final say on adoption of the neighborhood plan as a City document. The Steering Committee will be responsible for making a recommendation of adoption to the City Council.

What is a comprehensive plan?

Comprehensive plans are long-range decision-making tools that provide strategic guidance and direction for the future growth and development of your community. Comprehensive plans establish a 10- to 20-year vision that consider a range of key themes and topics – from quality of life (what makes Georgetown an ideal place to live) to future land use (land uses necessary to accommodate future populations) – with the intent of protecting and enhancing what is important to the community today.

What is our vision?

In 2017, the City adopted the following vision statement: “Georgetown: A caring community honoring our past and innovating for the future”. The Comprehensive Plan will build upon this vision statement, along with additional public input, existing conditions, and best practices, to provide goals, policies, and actions for achieving the vision.

How is a comprehensive plan different from zoning?

In short, the plan is a guiding document, whereas zoning has enforceable regulations. The plan is used by decision-makers – like the City Council, the Planning & Zoning Commission, and City Staff – to guide decisions related to zoning, as well as budget and department priorities, infrastructure planning, and other community needs. State law requires that zoning be adopted in accordance with a comprehensive plan.

What topics does the comprehensive plan address?

Georgetown’s Comprehensive Plan covers a wide range of topics related to planning for the City’s future. The Comprehensive Plan focuses primarily on land uses and housing options throughout the City and its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ).

How often is the comprehensive plan updated?

Comprehensive plans should be reviewed quarterly to track progress and identify the next steps toward implementation. The plan document should undergo a major update, such as this one, once every ten years to reflect existing developments, recent market trends, and changing public opinions.

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image: City of Georgetown Texas logo